Easter treats recipe round up


I’ve been so looking forward to this Easter weekend and a chance to slow down, catch my breath for a few days and enjoy time with my family. We’re keeping things very simple this year without all the fuss and frills, but there will still be plenty of treats to enjoy. I decided to put together a round up of decadent Easter dishes that you can make over the coming weekend.

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Double chocolate Easter buns


Easter is around the corner and I decided to give one of my favourite bread dough recipes a chocolate twist for the occasion. This brioche dough is enriched with milk, egg and butter making it extra delicious and soft. It’s really easy to work with and utterly divine to eat!

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Chocolate simnel cake


Here’s an Easter bake inspired by the traditional simnel cake. It’s a fruity chocolate cake with a layer of delicious homemade marzipan in the middle and a glossy ganache topping – perfect for some tea time indulging. Yes please!


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Really delicious classic hot cross buns

Classic hot cross buns


When I was growing up hot cross buns weren’t readily available all year round (as they are now!) and I remember my excitement at seeing them appear on bakery shelves and knowing that Easter holidays were approaching. They are another one of those treats that evoke childhood memories of family gatherings, Easter craft projects and feeling impatient during the Easter Sunday morning church service knowing that there would a chocolate egg hunt afterwards! And of course the memory of enjoying fresh hot cross buns over the Easter weekend.


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Lockdown recipe ideas and my top 8 stay at home tips


It’s week three of self isolation for my family not to mention one week into South Africa’s lockdown, and it felt wrong to just put out another recipe without acknowledging the strange and unsettling situation that we all find ourselves in right now. So for this post I’m doing something a little different and sharing not only some recipe inspiration but some thoughts on how we’re managing at home, and our new routine. Please feel free to add your own thoughts in the comments, I’d love to hear how you’re doing!

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Cheesecake swirl Easter brownies


The Easter weekend is almost upon us and today’s recipe is packed with all the chocolate and all of the treats. I’ve included dark chocolate as well as Chuckles and speckled eggs (two of my weaknesses) for good measure in these rich and gooey Easter brownies. This is the type of recipe I reserve just for special occasions, and if you’re looking for a weekend splurge you have come to the right place!


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Hot cross bun bliss balls

Date balls with dark chocolate


If the walls of boxes filled with marshmallow eggs and armies of foil wrapped Easter bunnies piled high in the shops weren’t enough of a reminder, Easter is just around the corner! Autumn is probably my favourite season of the year, and Easter is definitely a highlight. I love the weather, the autumn colours of the trees, the cooler evenings, and of course – the food!


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