Double chocolate Easter buns


Easter is around the corner and I decided to give one of my favourite bread dough recipes a chocolate twist for the occasion. This brioche dough is enriched with milk, egg and butter making it extra delicious and soft. It’s really easy to work with and utterly divine to eat!

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4 Ingredient homemade chocolate spread (refined sugar free)

Sugar free nutella recipe


I am so excited about today’s recipe, and if you are a chocoholic like me then I am sure you will be too! In our house we like to keep a jar of chocolate spread at the back of the pantry cupboard for those occasional Saturday mornings when we have pancakes for breakfast. While I feel it’s ok to enjoy chocolate spread as an occasional treat I like to start the day on a wholesome note and am conscious that said chocolate spread is not the healthiest thing for the family to be eating first thing in the morning! So when I discovered a healthier version that I could make easily at home I was over the moon.


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