Chocolate smoothie bowl

Chocolate smoothie bowl top shot


The warmer weather means that smoothies are featuring more regularly on our breakfast and snack menu at home, and chocolate smoothies (not surprisingly) are my favourite. Not only are they delicious but they’re filling too, not to mention filled with wholesome ingredients – love it! 

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Chocolate crunch smoothie bowl



Happy Monday everyone! We’ve reached the end of the Nature’s Source series and I hope you’ve enjoyed the recipes as much I’ve loved putting them together. We’re finishing off with something chocolatey and delicious – a chocolate crunch smoothie bowl.

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Recipe round up: 12 sweet treats to make with cinnamon

Round of sweet cinnamon recipes.


Cinnamon has got to be one of the most delicious and popular spices out there, and I am rather prone to putting it in everything. Aside from its gorgeous flavour it also has several health benefits. It is full of antioxidants, helps to lower blood pressure and has antiviral and anti inflammatory properties. All the more reason to sprinkle a little more cinnamon into your life.

I am betting you have a jar of this wonderful stuff in your pantry, so why not dig it out and try out some of these treats using this versatile spice. Don’t forget to let me know in the comments which cinnamon recipe is your favourite!

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Strawberry and banana smoothie bowl (with video)

Strawberry and banana smoothie recipe.


The bowl food trend seems to be going strong and it’s not hard to see why. They are easy to prepare, you can personalise them with all your favourite ingredients and, whether sweet or savoury they are usually brimming with colour and goodness. Today’s strawberry and banana smoothie bowl recipe is no exception and ticks all the boxes – simple, beautiful to look at, healthy and delicious too!

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Easy banana chai muffins (refined sugar free)

Spiced banana muffins with walnuts


For most parents it was back to school today and that means having to think about lunch boxes again. I still have a couple of days to go before my littlies go back and I am already dreading them! So today’s recipe for sugar free banana muffins will hopefully provide a little inspiration and be something that the kiddies (and you!) will enjoy as a school or afternoon snack.


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Double chocolate cookie dough nice cream

Double chocolate cookie dough ice cream.

Summer is well on its way and with it the promise of plenty of sunshine… and plenty of ice cream! If you are looking for a healthier ice cream alternative or avoiding dairy then may I present my double chocolate cookie dough “nice” cream. This ice cream recipe is easy to whip together and even comes kiddie approved, my littlies loved it!

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Chocolate banana bread (paleo)

Gluten free and sugar free banana bread.

Every now and then I come across an absolute gem of a recipe online and this one is one of my current favourites so be warned, I am going to be getting gushy today. I have been telling everyone about this chocolate banana bread! It is the creation of Rachel from and she has kindly allowed me to share it with y’all.

Continue reading “Chocolate banana bread (paleo)”